1. Hometown

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Xihu Township is situated in the center of Changhua and it is named as “Xihu” for there are “rivers and lakes” in that place. The so-called “river” refers to Datu River during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. At that time, it was the drainage line of Zhuoshui River and now it is renamed as Old Zhuoshui River. “Lake” refers to the two lakes of Lunzaicuo Lake and Shazai Lake and they are situated on the both sides of Xihu Sugar Refinery railway. But they are missing now.

Map of Xihu
Map of Xihu

Xihu Township covers the total area of 32.0592 square kilometers, among which the width from the east to the west is 5.28 kilometers and the length from the south to the north is 5.12 kilometers and it is the population and geographic center of Mid-Taiwan and also the center of western coast of Taiwan. The transportation network in the middle of Taiwan centers on Xihu to connect with the surrounding towns.

Xihu has the flat terrain, fertile soil, mild climate and abundant agricultural products. Therefore, it has become one of the important vegetable growing areas and terminal markets in the whole Taiwan. In addition to vegetable, Xihu is also the most concentrated grape growing area in Taiwan.

As the transportation hub, Xihu has the abundant natural resources and developed industry and commerce, so it is very difficult to achieve success without the vigorous fighting spirit and strong will in this highly competitive place.

By means of the nurturing of family education on this land and the chastening of difficult environment during the childhood, Mr. Xue-liang Liao has developed his tough personality. Besides, it is rare and commendable that he works hard and perseveres and finally achieves success in livestock husbandry. During the lonely and strenuous journey of environmental protection, he is also willing to make efforts to set up solar photovoltaic facility to win a slim chance of survival for the land where Mr. Xue-liang Liao himself and his children live and open up beautiful new blue ocean on the earth.

Written by : Wei-shih Hung

Picture Originated from :


References :

http://www.tsc14.com.tw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8&Itemid=121 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E6%BA%AA%E6%B9%96%E9%8E%AE http://town.chcg.gov.tw/xihu/00home/index7.asp http://library.taiwanschoolnet.org/cyberfair2015/cfjh1813/b03.htm http://chifu.tacocity.com.tw/chifu.htm